National Institute for Unification Education

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Announcement (영문) Board
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7 Call for NIU Emerging Leaders Fellowship 2023 Attachment 1_Application Form.docx (19.7 KB)Attachment 2_Personal Statement.docx (12.87 KB) 2023-02-01 3262
6 Audacious Initiative for Denuclearized, Peaceful, and Prosperous Korean Peninsula 담대한 구상 카드뉴스 PDF(영문)v2.pdf (803.67 KB) 2022-10-11 3055
5 Call for NIU Emerging Leaders Fellowship 2022 (Attached 1) Call for NIU Emerging Leaders Fellowship 2022.docx (108.67 KB)(Attached 2) Application Form and Personal Statement.docx (106.09 KB) 2022-01-26 5014
4 NIU Emerging Leader Fellowship 2021 (Online Unification Academy) (Attached 1) 2021_Call for IUE Emerging Leaders Fellowship(ENG).docx (108.78 KB)(Attached 2) Application Form and Personal Statement.docx (106.6 KB)About Emerging Leaders Fellowship.pdf (6.89 MB) 2021-03-31 6076
3 Signboard Hanging Ceremony of National Institute for Unification Education 2021-03-31 3409
2 Open Invitation to Visiting International Professorship ENG_2021_Notice_Application Form_Visiting Scholars Program.docx (27.03 KB) 2021-02-03 3428
1 2021 New Year's Message 2021-01-11 2053
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