National Institute for Unification Education

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Understanding North Korea

Understanding North Korea 2023

  1. I. How should We View North Korea?
  2. Ⅱ. Politics
  3. Ⅲ. Military
  4. Ⅳ. Foreign Policy
  5. Ⅴ. Economy
  6. Ⅵ. Society
  7. VII. Culture and Arts
  8. VIII. Education

Understanding North Korea 2017

  1. I. How should we view North Korea?
  2. Ⅱ. Political System and Ruling Ideology
  3. Ⅲ. Foreing Policy and Relations
  4. Ⅳ. Military Strategy and Capabilities
  5. Ⅴ. Economy:Current Status and Changes
  6. Ⅵ. Education and Culture
  7. VII. Society and Everyday Life

Understanding North Korea 2014

  1. I. How should we view North Korea?
  2. Ⅱ. Political System and Governing Principles
  3. Ⅲ. External Policies and Relations
  4. Ⅳ. Military Strategy and Capacity
  5. Ⅴ. Economic Structure and Polic
  6. Ⅵ. Education and Culture
  7. VII. Society and Life

Understanding North Korea 2012

  1. I. How should we view North Korea?
  2. Ⅱ. Governing Principles and Political System
  3. Ⅲ. External Relations
  4. Ⅳ. Military Strategy and Capacity
  5. Ⅴ. Economy: Present and Outlook
  6. Ⅵ. Education, Literature and Art
  7. VII. Social Structure and Life