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Weekly Report

Weekly Report on North Korea (No. 1672)

Ministry of Unification



[Major Reports]
A statement by the vice department director of the Central Committee of the WPK Kim Yo Jong
North Korean media condemns ROK-U.S. Summit

[General Reports]
Reports on the North Korean economy and completion of plans in April by sector
Encouragement of preparations for the farming season
Recent trends in sports in North Korea
Focus on Labour Day (May 1) in North Korea

공공누리의 제 4유형 안내
Weekly Report on North Korea (No. 1672) 저작물은 "공공누리" 제4유형:출처 표시+상업적 이용 금지+변경 금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.
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