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Vice Minister Moon Seoung-hyun delivers congratulatory remarks at a seminar of the Korean War Abductees’ Family Union on behalf of Minister Kim

Ministry of Unification



Vice Minister Moon Seoung-hyun delivers congratulatory remarks at a seminar of the Korean War Abductees’ Family Union on behalf of Minister Kim (November 10)

On November 10, Unification Vice Minister Moon Seoung-hyun attended the Discussion Seminar on Effective Compensation and Support for Families of Wartime Abductees hosted by the Korean War Abductees’ Family Union and delivered a congratulatory message on behalf of Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho.

In his remarks, Minister Kim emphasized that the abductions of South Koreans by North Korean authorities during the Korean War are not only a violation of moral laws but also a universal human rights issue. The minister strongly urged North Korean authorities to acknowledge the abductions of scores of South Koreans and take a responsible attitude towards the issues of their repatriation and provision of information on their well-being.

Furthermore, Minister Kim noted that the Unification Ministry is making various efforts to resolve the issue of abductees, including the establishment of a task force under his leadership, provision of compensation to the families of those detained in North Korea, and strengthening of cooperation with the religious community and private sector. He expressed his commitment to continue to call for attention and efforts from across all government departments to resolve the issues of abductees, detainees, and prisoners of war through initiatives such as holding a meeting of the task force dedicated to resolving the issue of abductees.

Vice Minister Moon Seoung-hyun delivers congratulatory remarks at a seminar of the Korean War Abductees’ Family Union on behalf of Minister Kim image01

Vice Minister Moon Seoung-hyun delivers congratulatory remarks at a seminar of the Korean War Abductees’ Family Union on behalf of Minister Kim image01

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Vice Minister Moon Seoung-hyun delivers congratulatory remarks at a seminar of the Korean War Abductees’ Family Union on behalf of Minister Kim 저작물은 "공공누리" 제4유형:출처 표시+상업적 이용 금지+변경 금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.
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