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The Korea Global Forum 2023 was held

Ministry of Unification



The Korean government will play the role of the largest speaker and hub in a bid to make the international community aware of North Korea’s reality

The Korea Global Forum 2023 was held (August 30)

On August 30, the Ministry of Unification held the Korea Global Forum 2023 under the theme of “North Korean Nuclear and Human Rights Challenges, and Korean Unification” at the Westin Josun Seoul.

The Korea Global Forum is a Track 1.5 multilateral forum hosted by the Ministry of Unification since its inception in 2010. The forum has served as a venue to gather valuable insights from domestic and international experts on the Korean Peninsula and inter-Korean relations and facilitate constructive discussions with the international community on matters pertaining to peace and the unification of the Korean Peninsula.

The keynote speech was given by Vice Minister Moon Seoung-hyun on behalf of Minister Kim Yung Ho

In his speech, Unification Vice Minister Moon conveyed that “the Korean government will become the largest speaker and hub in efforts to raise awareness of the North’s human rights situation as part of the process of improving human rights in North Korea.”

He also stressed that “the Yoon administration will not pursue inter-Korean relations over immediate gains or for show.”

The forum featured various programs such as keynote speeches, expert discussions, and a special lecture by a North Korean defector.

Professor John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago, an expert on international security, and former COI Chair Michael Kirby, an expert on human rights in the DPRK, delivered a keynote speech in the first and second session, respectively. They discussed solutions and their implications for the pressing issues on the Korean Peninsula, including the North Korean nuclear and human rights issues.

With the forum as momentum, the Ministry of Unification will continue cooperating with the international community for the denuclearization of North Korea and to bring changes in the North’s behavior. Moreover, the ministry will strive to build consensus among the domestic and international communities for a free and peaceful unification on the Korean Peninsula.

The Korea Global Forum 2023 was held

The Korea Global Forum 2023 was held

The Korea Global Forum 2023 was held

The Korea Global Forum 2023 was held

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