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Minister Kim Yung Ho delivers a congratulatory message at a plaque hanging ceremony held on the occasion of the relocation of the North Korea Human Rights Documentation Office

Ministry of Unification



Minister Kim Yung Ho delivers a congratulatory message at a plaque hanging ceremony held
on the occasion of the relocation of the North Korea Human Rights Documentation Office

One of the top priorities for unification is revealing the reality of the human rights situation in North Korea and improving the human rights of North Korean residents.

Minister Kim Yung Ho delivers a congratulatory message at a plaque hanging ceremony held
on the occasion of the relocation of the North Korea Human Rights Documentation Office (August 18)

On August 18, Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho attended at a ceremony to unveil a plaque of the North Korea Human Rights Documentation Office on the occasion of its relocation and delivered a congratulatory message.

During his speech, Minister Kim emphasized, “One of the top priorities for unification is revealing the reality of the human rights situation in North Korea and practically improving human rights of North Korean residents.”

“Rather than being hasty about covering up the horrendous human rights situation in North Korea, we must focus our efforts on improving the human rights and livelihoods of North Korea residents,” he added.

Also, the minister mentioned that “the Korean government abides by the principle of accepting all North Korean defectors and will do its utmost to help them enter South Korea.”

Lastly, he said, “The launch of the North Korean Human Rights Foundation is still being delayed seven years after the enactment of the North Korean Human Rights Act. We hope that the National Assembly will cooperate in the near future so that the law can make good progress.”

Minister Kim Yung Ho delivers a congratulatory message at a plaque hanging ceremony held on the occasion of the relocation of the North Korea Human Rights Documentation Office

Minister Kim Yung Ho delivers a congratulatory message at a plaque hanging ceremony held on the occasion of the relocation of the North Korea Human Rights Documentation Office

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Minister Kim Yung Ho delivers a congratulatory message at a plaque hanging ceremony held on the occasion of the relocation of the North Korea Human Rights Documentation Office 저작물은 "공공누리" 제4유형:출처 표시+상업적 이용 금지+변경 금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.
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