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Minister Kwon Youngse delivers congratulatory message at the Symposium on Korean Future 2023 on behalf of President Yoon

Ministry of Unification



We will gather the strength to build firm peace on the Korean Peninsula and expand freedom, peace, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region

Minister Kwon Youngse delivers congratulatory message at the Symposium on Korean Future 2023 on behalf of President Yoon (June 29)

On June 29, Unification Minister Kwon Youngse delivered a congratulatory message at the Symposium on Korean Future 2023 co-hosted by the Ministry of Unification and Yonhap News Agency on behalf of President Yoon Suk Yeol.

Below is the congratulatory message from the president

Congratulatory message from President Yoon Suk Yeol

Congratulations on the opening of the Yonhap News Symposium on Korea Future 2023.

I would like to thank CEO Seong Ghi-hong and related officials for holding a meaningful event under the theme of “70 Years of the U.S.-ROK Alliance: Present and Future of the Korean Peninsula.”

73 years ago, when the entire country was in dire crisis due to the invasion of the communist forces, the United States shed their blood to fight together with us.

Around 37,000 young U.S. soldiers devoted their lives to safeguard the freedom of a nation they were utterly ignorant of.

After three years of fierce battles, the Republic of Korea and the United States signed the Mutual Defense Treaty in 1953, opening up the era of alliance.

Forged in blood, the ROK-U.S. alliance has been the central axis of Korea’s diplomacy and economy, and shored up our prosperity.

The Republic of Korea rose from one of the poorest countries in the world, with an income per capita of US $67, to a global pivotal state contributing to freedom, peace, and prosperity.

The ROK-U.S. alliance, which marks its 70th anniversary this year, has developed into a global comprehensive strategic alliance.

At the ROK-U.S. summit in April, held upon the state visit of President Yoon to Washington, we have added five pillars of alliances, security, industry, science and technology, culture, and information, on top of “value alliance.”

As cooperation in the five areas expands and synergy is created, a ROK-U.S. alliance that moves towards the future and of action will be realized.

Moreover, as the ROK-U.S. alliance is a value alliance and a just alliance that contributes to world peace and prosperity, we will gather the strength to build firm peace on the Korean Peninsula and expand freedom, peace, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.

We will closely cooperate and mutually address issues, including nuclear proliferation, cyber security, the climate crisis, and the situation in the Global South.

At the same time, the Korean government will do its utmost to ensure that the ROK-U.S. alliance, which has been the central axis of today’s brilliant growth and prosperity, leads to even greater opportunities for future generations.

In that sense, we must rightly convey the value and meaning of the ROK-U.S. alliance to the future generations.

This requires not only the efforts of the government, but also the important role played by the media.

I hope that we will be able to yield meaningful results on the future direction of the ROK-U.S. alliance from today’s symposium. Above all, I hope the discussions by the experts are fully shared with the future generations.

Once again, congratulations on the opening of the Yonhap News Symposium on Korea Future 2023.

Thank you.

Minister Kwon Youngse delivers congratulatory message at the Symposium on Korean Future 2023 on behalf of President Yoon

Minister Kwon Youngse delivers congratulatory message at the Symposium on Korean Future 2023 on behalf of President Yoon

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