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Minister Kwon Youngse visits the VHS Medical Center and delivers consolation money

Ministry of Unification



On June 26, Unification Minister Kwon Youngse visited the Veterans Health Service (VHS) Medical Center and delivered consolation money.

The Minister of Unification visits the VHS Medical Center every year during the Month of Patriots and Veterans to pay respects to persons of distinguished service to the state and deliver contributions.

Minister Kwon said, “We express our gratitude for the sacrifices and dedication of the persons of distinguished service to the state, and we will always respect and remember those who devoted themselves to serving our country.”

Moreover, “We express our gratitude for the efforts of the medical staff and employees at the center, and we ask for your continued hard work in enhancing the health of the veterans and patriots who selflessly served our country.”

Minister Kwon Youngse visits the VHS Medical Center and delivers consolation money

Minister Kwon Youngse visits the VHS Medical Center and delivers consolation money

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