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Unification Ministry to further efforts to commune with employees in 20s and 30s

Ministry of Unification



On October 28, the Ministry of Unification held a welcome ceremony for the 11th Unification Innovation Avengers.


The Unification Ministry will operate an innovative system led by employees of the Ministry of Unification in their 20s and 30s aimed at advancing communication within the Ministry. Running on a tentative name of ‘Unification Innovation Avengers,’ this system will present innovative ideas for the organizational culture and work, and help foster an environment where the voices of all generations are actively heard within the organization.


Unification Minister Kwon Youngse attended the welcome ceremony and encouraged younger employees to bring new ideas, thereby embracing new opportunity to change not just the Ministry, but also the public service society as a whole.


The Unification Ministry will actively support ‘the Unification Innovation Avengers’ in order for younger employees to help improve the culture and serve as a communication channel among generations.


Unification Ministry to further efforts to commune with employees in 20s and 30s


Unification Ministry to further efforts to commune with employees in 20s and 30s


Unification Ministry to further efforts to commune with employees in 20s and 30s


Unification Ministry to further efforts to commune with employees in 20s and 30s


Unification Ministry to further efforts to commune with employees in 20s and 30s

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