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Minister Kwon Youngse visits Germany (October 2–5)

Ministry of Unification



On October 2, Minister Kwon Youngse visited Germany to attend the celebration for the 32nd anniversary of German reunification and to meet with President of the Federal Republic of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier.


On October 3, the Minister attended the official ceremony for the 32nd anniversary of the German Unity Day held in Erfurt as a representative of the Korean government.


Minister Kwon met Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the commemorative banquet and asked for continuous interest in and support for peace and unification on the Korean Peninsula. The Minister also met with Bodo Ramelow, Minister-President of Thuringia and President of the Bundesrat.


In addition, Minister Kwon communicated extensively with key figures of Germany, such as the President of the Bundestag, Barbel Bas.


In the afternoon of the same day, Minister Kwon attended a cultural event for overseas Koreans, and he also took time to engage with the Korean community to share the Government’s North Korea policy.


Minister Kwon Youngse visits Germany (October 2–5)


Minister Kwon Youngse visits Germany (October 2–5)


Minister Kwon Youngse visits Germany (October 2–5)


Minister Kwon Youngse visits Germany (October 2–5)


Minister Kwon Youngse visits Germany (October 2–5)

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