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Unification Minister Kwon Youngse Pays Courtesy Visit to Archbishop Hyginus Kim Hee-joong

Ministry of Unification



On June 21, Minister Kwon Youngse paid a courtesy visit to Archbishop Hyginus Kim Hee-joong of the Catholic Church of Korea and exchanged greetings and views on the direction of Inter-Korean relations.
Minister Kwon mentioned that North Korea policy should be implemented with consistency and continuity and reiterated the stance to continue humanitarian cooperation irrespective of political and military considerations.
Archbishop Hyginus Kim Hee-joong mentioned Pope Francis's willingness to visit North Korea any time if an invitation is extended, and requested the Government to create conducive environment.
Minister Kwon said Pope Francis's visit to North Korea, if done, will contribute to peace on the Korean Peninsula.


Unification Minister Kwon Youngse Pays Courtesy Visit to Archbishop Hyginus Kim Hee-joong


Unification Minister Kwon Youngse Pays Courtesy Visit to Archbishop Hyginus Kim Hee-joong


Unification Minister Kwon Youngse Pays Courtesy Visit to Archbishop Hyginus Kim Hee-joong

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