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Minister Kim Yung Ho attends a press briefing hosted by the Seoul Foreign Correspondents’ Club (SFCC)

Ministry of Unification



Spreading democracy on the Korean Peninsula and its peaceful unification are “international public goods” that contribute to the peace and prosperity of Northeast Asia and the peace of the world.

Minister Kim Yung Ho attends a press briefing hosted by the Seoul Foreign Correspondents’ Club (SFCC) (December 12)

On December 12, Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho attended a press briefing hosted by the Seoul Foreign Correspondents’ Club (SFCC) (at the Korea Press Center) and explained the state of North Korea and the directions of the South Korean government’s unification and North Korea policies.

First, Minister Kim pointed out that the recent internal and external difficulties facing North Korea are attributed to various illicit activities by the North Korean authorities, such as nuclear and missile development, and mentioned that as a result, there is a growing desire for change among North Korean residents.

Next, Minister Kim outlined three key policy directions.

Firstly, he expressed the commitment to maintain a principled approach to North Korean policy.

Specifically, he stated that the Unification Ministry will block North Korea from illegally earning foreign currency by imposing strengthened sanctions, take a firm and restrained response to North Korea’s actions that raise tension, and create conditions for providing humanitarian assistance to North Korean residents.

Furthermore, the minister said that he will make multifaceted efforts to draw tangible outcomes regarding North Korean human rights, including expanding international dialogue on North Korean human rights, announcing the North Korean Human Rights Roadmap, and establishing the National Center for North Korean Human Rights.

Lastly, Minister Kim expressed his commitment to prepare unification with the international community while internationally promoting the vision of “a unified Korean Peninsula that is free and at peace.”

Minister Kim Yung Ho attends a press briefing hosted by the Seoul Foreign Correspondents’ Club (SFCC) image01

Minister Kim Yung Ho attends a press briefing hosted by the Seoul Foreign Correspondents’ Club (SFCC) image02

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