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Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho meets with UNC Commander Paul LaCamera

Ministry of Unification



Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho meets with General Paul LaCamera to discuss collaborative measures between the Unification Ministry and the UNC.

Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho meets with UNC Commander Paul LaCamera (November 20)

On November 20, Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho met with UNC Commander Paul LaCamera. Minister Kim and General LaCamera discussed collaborative measures between the Ministry of Unification and the UNC and delivered words of encouragement for KATSUA soldiers serving at Camp Humphreys.

Minister Kim expressed appreciation for the UNC’s crucial role in safeguarding the peace and security of the Korean Peninsula and a willingness to work closely with the UNC in the unification process as cooperation partners. The minister also suggested ways to cooperate, such as establishing a regular communications system, running mutual lectures and operating a tour program, and resuming visits to Panmunjeom.

Additionally, Minister Kim shared his view on the state of the Korean Peninsula and explained the Yoon administration’s North Korea and unification policies, including the “Audacious Initiative.”

General LaCamera echoed the minister’s view on expanding cooperation among the UNC, its member states and the Unification Ministry, and shared Kim’s view on the importance of South Korea’s “Audacious Initiative.”

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