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Minister Kim Yung Ho attends a worship led by Rev. Kim Jang Hwan, holds a breakfast meeting

Ministry of Unification



Minister Kim Yung Ho converses with Rev. Kim in a bid to ask for advice and support for the unification policy

Minister Kim Yung Ho attends a worship led by Rev. Kim Jang Hwan and holds a breakfast meeting (August 27)

On August 27, Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho talked with Rev. Kim Jang Hwan and attended a worship led by the pastor at Wonchon Antioch Church.

Rev. Kim expressed his congratulations on Minister Kim’s inauguration as the unification minister and asked the Ministry of Unification to take a mid to long term view and stay unwavering in its pursuance of North Korean policies.

In particular, Rev. Kim highlighted that the ministry must establish its role and vision devotedly for our country, and said that the church will also pray for unification and asked for continued communication.

In response, Minister Kim expressed gratitude for Rev. Kim’s words and said that he will continue to make efforts to communicate with him while seeking his advice and cooperation in pursuing unification policies.

Minister Kim Yung Ho attends a worship led by Rev. Kim Jang Hwan, holds a breakfast meeting

Minister Kim Yung Ho attends a worship led by Rev. Kim Jang Hwan, holds a breakfast meeting

Minister Kim Yung Ho attends a worship led by Rev. Kim Jang Hwan, holds a breakfast meeting

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