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The 11th Unification Education Week ceremony held

Ministry of Unification



The Ministry of Unification is hosting the 11th Unification Education Week from May 22 to 28 with the Ministry of Education under the theme of “Free Imagination, Wind of Peaceful Unification.”

On May 22, the 11th Unification Education Week Ceremony was held at the National Institute for Unification Education.

During his commemorative speech, Unification Minister Kwon Youngse said, “I believe that a unified Korean Peninsula based on the liberal democratic order should be our future.”

Minister Kwon highlighted that “freedom and human rights, democracy and a market economy are the only way to realize the freedom and dignity of all people living on the Korean Peninsula, and to ensure they enjoy prosperous and happy lives.”

Moreover, the minister stated that “if our people work their way towards unification preparations with aspirations in unison, we will be able to navigate through any obstacle and unwaveringly advance towards unification.”

“The key to these preparations is unification education, and the path to unification will open when future generations imagine, experience, and practice unification through unification education,” he added.

The 11th Unification Education Week ceremony held

The 11th Unification Education Week ceremony held

The 11th Unification Education Week ceremony held

The 11th Unification Education Week ceremony held

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