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The Ministry of Unification holds an opening and closing ceremony for young reporters (Unicorn)

Ministry of Unification



On May 19, the Office of the Inter-Korean Dialogue held an opening ceremony for the 16th Class of Unicorn correspondents and a closing ceremony for the 15th Class of Unicorn correspondents.

Unification Minister Kwon Younge told the 15th and 16th Class of Unicorn correspondents that “there are many answers to the question, ‘Why is unification necessary?’ Nonetheless, I believe peaceful unification of the Korean Peninsula is the path to opening ‘a better future for young people.’”

The Ministry of Unification holds an opening and closing ceremony for young reporters (Unicorn)

The Ministry of Unification holds an opening and closing ceremony for young reporters (Unicorn)

공공누리의 제 4유형 안내
The Ministry of Unification holds an opening and closing ceremony for young reporters (Unicorn) 저작물은 "공공누리" 제4유형:출처 표시+상업적 이용 금지+변경 금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.
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