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Inaugural meeting of the “North Korean Human Rights Promotion Committee”

Ministry of Unification



The Ministry of Unification launched the “North Korean Human Rights Promotion Committee” as an advisory body to the Unification Minister aimed at practically implementing the intent behind the enactment of the North Korean Human Rights Act.

On March 10, the Unification Ministry held the inaugural meeting of the North Korean Human Rights Promotion Committee, chaired by the Unification Minister, and gathered views from committee members regarding the future direction of the committee to promote human rights in North Korea.

During the meeting, Unification Minister Kwon Youngse said, “After much deliberation, the administration has decided to launch the North Korean Human Rights Promotion Committee to support activities in promoting human rights in North Korea at home and abroad, thereby practically implementing the intent of the North Korean Human Rights Act.” Moreover, “The first meeting of the North Korean Human Rights Promotion Committee will be a significant initial step to confirm our will to improve human rights in North Korea,” he added.

The minister also mentioned that “promoting human rights in North Korea is an onerous and complicated task that cannot be achieved by the government alone,” stressing that “all actors in our society, including the government, civil society, and academia, must put their heads together to solve the problem, not to mention cooperation with the international community.”

Inaugural meeting of the “North Korean Human Rights Promotion Committee”



Inaugural meeting of the “North Korean Human Rights Promotion Committee”



Inaugural meeting of the “North Korean Human Rights Promotion Committee”



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