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Unification Minister Kwon met with the British Ambassadors to the two Koreas, exchanged opinions on inter-Korean relations and the Korean Peninsula issues

Ministry of Unification



On March 8, Unification Minister Kwon Youngse met with British Ambassador to North Korea David Ellis and its top envoy to South Korea Colin Crooks and exchanged opinions on inter-Korean relations and issues on the Korean Peninsula.

Minister Kwon explained the current circumstances in North Korea and the Yoon administration’s “Audacious Initiative”, expressed its position that humanitarian assistance to the North will be provided regardless of the political and military situation, and asked for the British government’s continued interest and support.

The minister, in particular, highlighted the role of the British government, which has diplomatic relations with North Korea, in persuading Pyeongyang to give up the development of nuclear weapons and missile programs and return to the dialogue table.

The ambassadors agreed on the South Korean government’s policy direction and showed interest in North Korea’s food situation and policy direction and the challenges in carrying out the South Korean government’s “Audacious Initiative.”

Moreover, Britain voiced hope for the early resumption of operations of the British embassy in the North and promised cooperation with the international community in resolving the North’s nuclear and missile problems.

The two sides sympathized with the need for continued cooperation on a range of issues, including the Korean Peninsula.

Unification Minister Kwon met with the British Ambassadors to the two Koreas, exchanged opinions on inter-Korean relations and the Korean Peninsula issues



Unification Minister Kwon met with the British Ambassadors to the two Koreas, exchanged opinions on inter-Korean relations and the Korean Peninsula issues



Unification Minister Kwon met with the British Ambassadors to the two Koreas, exchanged opinions on inter-Korean relations and the Korean Peninsula issues



Unification Minister Kwon met with the British Ambassadors to the two Koreas, exchanged opinions on inter-Korean relations and the Korean Peninsula issues



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Unification Minister Kwon met with the British Ambassadors to the two Koreas, exchanged opinions on inter-Korean relations and the Korean Peninsula issues 저작물은 "공공누리" 제4유형:출처 표시+상업적 이용 금지+변경 금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.
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