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Unification Minister Kwon Youngse delivers congratulatory remarks at an international forum

Ministry of Unification



On November 11, Minister Kwon Youngse delivered congratulatory remarks at the 「2022 SAND* Northeast Asia International Forum.」


Minister Kwon Youngse mentioned that North Korea is increasing its nuclear and missile capabilities and repeating military provocations, adding to difficulties not only in our security but also in all areas of inter-Korean relations and unification, which threatens the security of Northeast Asia beyond the Korean Peninsula.


Minister Kwon emphasized that now is the time to bring the transition, which is why the Yoon Suk Yeol administration laid out the “Audacious Initiatives” to initiation such transition.


He also said, “We will realize the denuclearization of North Korea and open up a new future for the Korean Peninsula while finding common strategic interests through creative thinking and diplomatic negotiations.”


Unification Minister Kwon Youngse delivers congratulatory remarks at an international forum


Unification Minister Kwon Youngse delivers congratulatory remarks at an international forum

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