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Unification Minister Kwon Youngse Meets President Damon Wilson of the NED

Ministry of Unification



On August 5, Unification Minister Kwon Youngse met with Damon Wilson, President of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and representatives of organizations promoting democracy, and shared insights on various issues, including the ongoing situation on the Korean Peninsula and ways to strengthen human rights in North Korea.


Minister Kwon highlighted that the human rights of North Korean residents and measures to improve the humanitarian situation are priorities in policy toward North Korea and that the Government will pursue humanitarian support regardless of political or military circumstances.


President Wilson mentioned that democratic governance in the Indo-Pacific region requires solidarity and networking with democratic countries in Asia including Korea. He emphasized that he is looking forward to working with young North Korean defectors, civil societies, as well as the new administration in South Korea to enhance human rights in North Korea.


Minister Kwon agreed with President Wilson’s comment and responded that the major task is to support North Korean defectors settling in South Korean society. Minister Kwon also said that he hoped young defectors could set a good example like Angela Merkel who had been rasied in the former East Germany.


Both sides promised to cooperate closely and to communicate in efforts to improve the human rights situation in North Korea.


Unification Minister Kwon Youngse Meets President Damon Wilson of the NED


Unification Minister Kwon Youngse Meets President Damon Wilson of the NED

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