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Unification Minister Kwon Younse Meets Philip Goldberg, US Ambassador to the Republic of Korea

Ministry of Unification



On August 5, Unification Minister Kwon Youngse met with the newly appointed US Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, Philip Goldberg, and shared experiences and insights on the situation facing the Korean Peninsula and North Korea policy.


Minister Kwon welcomed the appointment of Ambassador Goldberg and shared with him the Government policy toward North Korea.


In particular, Minister Kwon introduced the Government’s framework for drawing North Korea into resuming dialogue and denuclearization and highlighted that the Government will work closely with the United States throughout the process.


In addition, the Minister underscored the importance of humanitarian cooperation, which Korea and the U.S. should be ready to provide regardless of political and military circumstances.


Ambassador Goldberg mentioned that North Korea’s weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and inter-continental ballistic missile programs are threats to international peace and security, and the Republic of Korea and the United States share interest in deterring North Korea.


Both sides agreed to cooperate closely and to communicate in efforts dealing with North Korea.


Unification Minister Kwon Younse Meets Philip Goldberg, US Ambassador to the Republic of Korea


Unification Minister Kwon Younse Meets Philip Goldberg, US Ambassador to the Republic of Korea

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