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Press Briefings

Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Koo Byoungsam

Ministry of Unification



Date: Monday, July 24, 2023
Time: 10:30-10:32 A.M.


1. Minister’s Schedule

On July 25, Unification Minister Kwon Youngse will attend the cabinet meeting at 10 A.M.


2. Vice Minister’s Schedule

On July 27, Vice Minister Moon Seoung-hyun will attend the vice minister’s conference at 10 A.M.


3. Q&A

Q) Could you confirm a report that the Unification Ministry secured CCTV footage in Panmunjeom of the US soldier being transported to Pyeongyang?

A) CCTVs are installed in the Joint Security Area. However, there is nothing that the Ministry can confirm in relation to the details of the installation and operation of the CCTVs. As far as we are aware, no footage has ever been released to the public.

Q) Regarding recent reports on the Unification Ministry’s initiation of reorganization, could you tell us if there are any specific plans to adjust the Ministry’s workforce?

A) The Unification Ministry is conducting its own review to operate the organization more efficiently in light of the prolonged tension in inter-Korean relations. However, nothing concrete has been finalized.

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