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Press Briefings

Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Koo Byoungsam



Date: Monday, June 19, 2023
Time: 10:30-10:34 A.M.


1. Minister’s Schedule

On June 19-20, Unification Minister Kwon Youngse will attend the National Assembly negotiation group leaders’ speech.

On June 21, Minister Kwon will deliver congratulatory remarks at the Inter-Korean Forest Cooperation for the Implementation of Green Detente International Symposium 2023 co-hosted by the Unification Ministry and the Korea Forest Service.

On the same day, he will attend and deliver welcome remarks at an academic conference to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice Agreement.


2. Q&A

Q) Based on the reports and photos of the North’s plenary meeting, it appears that Kim Jong Un did not deliver remarks. What is the Ministry’s take on this?
In addition, considering that he did not deliver remarks, were there any reports of Kim Jong Un speaking at the plenary meeting since he took power?

A) This is actually the first time that we have seen a plenary meeting that did not disclose whether Kim Jong Un delivered remarks, with the exception of a few plenary meetings that convened along with party congresses. This case is highly unusual, and it is hard to say exactly why he did not speak. It may have been a little difficult for him to come out given that North Korea's satellite launch failed and there is nothing to show in terms of economic achievements.

Q) How do you evaluate that only the head of the economic department of the party’s central committee was replaced?

A) There is the aspect of re-emphasizing the importance of its economy. As the economic sector is currently under-performing, it seems that O Su Yong, a hands-on official who has worked in the economic sector, is re-elected to overcome the current difficulties.

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