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Press Briefings

Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Cho Joonghoon



Date: Monday, December 5, 2022
Time: 10:30-10:35 A.M.


1. Ministry to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Hanawon Hwacheon Branch (2nd Hanawon)

The 2nd Hanawon, which opened on December 5, 2012 as a settlement support center for male North Korean defectors, celebrates its 10th anniversary today(12.5).

The Unification Ministry is holding a commemorative ceremony today from 10:30 A.M. with officials from Hwacheon Country and related organizations, graduating trainees, and staff, and Vice Minister Kim Ki Woong will deliver remarks on behalf of Unification Minister Kwon Youngse.
After the ceremony, a Kimchi-making event will be held with trainees, staff and the residents of Hwacheon.

On December 10-11, the Hanawon will hold a homecoming event attended by 800 people including graduates and their families. Participants will enjoy a wide range of programs to get together, and make memories.


2. Ministry to hold a forum for inter-Korean Green Détente

On December 7, the Unification Ministry will hold a forum for inter-Korean Green Détente. Experts from various fields including climate change, natural disasters, forestry, agriculture, and water resources will discuss ways to cooperate on inter-Korean Green Détente. Vice Minister Kim Ki Woong will attend the forum and deliver congratulatory remarks on behalf of Minister Kwon.


3. Ministry to hold the 2nd meeting of the 2022 Council on North Korean Human Rights

On December 9, the Unification Ministry will hold the 2nd meeting of the 2022 Council on North Korean Human Rights chaired by the Vice Unification Minister. The meeting will be attended by officials from relevant organizations including the Ministries of Unification, Foreign Affairs, and Justice to discuss establishing the 3rd master plan to improve human rights in North Korea.


4. Minister’s Schedule

Minister Kwon will attend a plenary session of the National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs & Unification Committee today at 2 P.M.

On December 6, Minister Kwon will deliver congratulatory remarks at a panel discussion on establishing governance for social dialogue by the National Assembly, co-hosted by five lawmakers at 2 P.M.

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