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Press Briefings

Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Cho Joonghoon



Date: Monday, November 14, 2022
Time: 10:30-10:36 A.M.


1. Unification Ministry to hold the DMZ Global Forum 2022

On November 21, the Unification Ministry will hold the DMZ Global Forum 2022 under the theme of ‘Promoting Green Détente through the Transformation of the DMZ into the Green Peace Zone’ at the Asia Publication Culture and Information Center in Paju, Gyeonggi-do.

The global forum, in its fifth year, will bring many experts at home and abroad to discuss inter-Korean green détente initiatives and tasks from various perspectives.

In order to raise awareness on the DMZ border area among young generations at home and abroad, the DMZ Global Forum for Young Leaders 2022 will be held tomorrow and bring insights from the perspectives of future generations on transforming the DMZ into the Green Peace Zone.

We ask for your interest and participation as both forums will be broadcast live on YouTube.


2. Minister’s Schedule

From 10 A.M. today, Unification Minister Kwon Youngse is attending the National Assembly’s Special Committee on Budget & Accounts and will also attend the Committee tomorrow morning.

On November 15, Minister Kwon will deliver congratulatory remarks at an event hosted by the Korea Hana Foundation where North Korean defectors share their experiences of settling in the South.

On November 17, Minister Kwon will meet with Chairman Yang Jun Hyuk of the Yang Jun Hyuk Baseball Foundation.

Chairman Yang Jun Hyuk runs a mentor baseball team made up of North Korean defectors and helps them adapt to the South Korean society. During the meeting, the Minister will express gratitude to Chairman Yang for his efforts to support young North Korean defectors.


3. Vice Minister’s Schedule

On November 17, Vice Minister Kim Ki Woong will attend the vice-minister’s conference.


4. Q&A

Q. Are there any updates from the North through the South-North Joint Liaison Office communications channel regarding the delivery of the body presumed to be a North Korea resident?

A. There was no response from the North regarding the delivery of the presumed corpse of a North Korean resident during the call today at 9:00 A.M. through the South-North Joint Liaison Office communications channel.

As you are aware, the Ministry attempted to send a document a few times on Friday November 11. We believe that our intention was delivered to North Korea, and plan to wait for a response from the North by November 17, the date we proposed.

Q. At the trilateral meeting in Cambodia, the Republic of Korea, the United States, and Japan released a joint statement, taking a tougher stance on the North Korean nuclear issue. Do you think the Ministry will change its North Korea policy in line with this trend?

A. I do not think it is a change in North Korea policy. The joint statement on trilateral partnership between the ROK, the United States and Japan reaffirmed that North Korea’s nuclear test would be met with a resolute response.

However, it also emphasized that the path to dialogue remains open toward peaceful and diplomatic resolution with North Korea.

In that respect, I would like to point out that this statement is based on the continuity of the existing North Korea policy, not the changes of the Yoon Suk Yeol administration's North Korea policy.

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