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Press Briefings

Regular Briefing by Deputy Spokesperson Lee Hyojung



Date: Friday, September 23, 2022
Time: 10:30-10:35 A.M.


<ROKG stance regarding sending leaflets and other items to the North>

The Government has repeatedly asked civic groups to refrain from flying leaflets and other items to the North.

Despite the Government’s repeated requests, some groups are still distributing leaflets and other items to the North. The Government is concerned about the situation and again urges the groups to refrain from such action.

The Government would also like to reiterate that there is no scientific basis to support the North’s claim that shifts the responsibility for the spread of COVID-19 to the scattered leaflets, which in fact is far from the truth.

The North’s act of distorting facts and bringing up retaliatory measures against our people is extremely inappropriate and deeply regrettable. The Government will respond strongly and firmly to any threats and provocations of the North.

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Regular Briefing by Deputy Spokesperson Lee Hyojung 저작물은 "공공누리" 제4유형:출처 표시+상업적 이용 금지+변경 금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.
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