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Press Briefings

Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Lee Jong Joo



1. Government to finalize the 2022 Implementation Plan for Settlement Support for North Korean Defectors


The ROK Government, in accordance with the North Korean Refugees Protection and Settlement Support Act, devised the Third Master Plan (2021~2023) for Settlement Support for North Korean Defectors last year, with the goal of realizing a warm community atmosphere where North Korean defectors are welcomed as neighbors.


Annually, the Government establishes and promotes an implementation plan to carry out the goals and policy tasks presented in the Master Plan. In line with such efforts, the Vice Minister of Unification will chair the Council on North Korean Refugees Protection and Settlement Support on February 17 to deliberate upon and resolve the 2022 Implementation Plan that has been drawn up through consultations among related agencies as well as opinions of North Korean defectors and experts.


2. South-North Korea Exchanges and Cooperation Support Association to open startup support center


The South-North Korea Exchanges and Cooperation Support Association will hold an opening ceremony celebrating the establishment of the Youth Startup Support Center on February 15.


The support center seeks to provide systematic support to youth entrepreneurs that have interest in starting business in areas related to unification or North Korea. The center will cooperate with domestic and foreign startup support organizations as well as private investment companies to promote public participation in coming up with unification and North Korea related startup ideas, arrange startup education and consulting support, and provide information on North Korea. The Ministry will support the center in becoming a hub for youth startups on unification and North Korea.


The opening ceremony, which will be held tomorrow at 2 P.M., will be joined by the Minister of Unification, Minister of SMEs and Startups, and youth entrepreneurs.


3. Ministry to hold first preparatory meeting of 2022 for the Health and Medical Cooperation Platform on the Korean Peninsula


The Health and Medical Cooperation Platform on the Korean Peninsula is an integrative environment that allows for discussions on a wide range of subjects related to health and medical cooperation with the North among the public and private, and domestic and international groups.


The platform, which was established last November, will hold the first preparatory meeting this week to discuss platform operation directions as well as major tasks for 2022. Minister Lee is scheduled deliver congratulatory video remarks.


4. Q&A


Q. Former IAEA deputy director general Heinonen reportedly raised the possibility of renewed activity at the North’s nuclear complex in Yeongbyeon. Is the Ministry aware of such developments, and what is its position? Also, how long has it been since the complex was last found to be in operation?


A. Developments concerning the North’s nuclear and missile program, including those at Yeongbyeon, are closely tracked and monitored through close ROK-U.S. coordination. However, we cannot confirm whether specific facilities are in operation.


Q. Is the Unification Ministry in discussion with related countries or organizations on efforts to improve relations with the North or to stabilize the situation on the Korean Peninsula?


A. The Unification Ministry continues to pursue various measures to stably manage the situation on the Korean Peninsula and bring North Korea back to dialogue and cooperation. It is also in close cooperation with humanitarian organizations under the United Nations as well as related countries including the United States.


In this respect, the Ministry has devised humanitarian measures in areas of healthcare and public welfare that reflect the North’s urgent demands. It has also held discussions with the U.S. on a number of occasions, arranging meetings with key personnel during his or her visit to Seoul and holding director-general level talks.

Furthermore, the Ministry has pursued humanitarian projects concerning the North with major international organizations including UNICEF, WFP, and WHO. Areas of cooperation include support for infants and young children, emergency relief, and improving the North’s healthcare system. Though international projects in the North have been temporarily suspended due to North Korea’s border control, we have continued cooperation and communication through various means, including the Health and Medical Cooperation Platform on the Korean Peninsula. The platform has allowed related bodies to share information about current situations and discuss methods to resume work on the ground in the North.

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