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Press Briefings

Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Lee Jong Joo



1. Ministry to hold kick-off meeting for the new year


On this first working day of 2022, the Unification Ministry will hold its new year’s kick-off meeting through an online platform at 2 P.M. The Ministry acknowledges that now is an important time to form a new turning point to improve inter-Korean relations and establish peace on the Korean Peninsula. It will continue efforts to substantially advance peace on the peninsula in 2022. Minister Lee In-young will share such vision with Ministry staff through a new year’s address.


2. Regarding North’s 4th plenary meeting of the 8th Party Central Committee


North Korea held a party plenary meeting from December 27 to 31 last year, and introduced major policy directions for 2022 discussed and decided through the meeting on January 1.


The North announced that it will focus on improving its economy and the livelihood of its people, while continuing to pursue the five-year economic plan unveiled at the 8th party congress early last year. It also pledged to place more emphasis on developing the North’s agricultural sector including efforts to resolve food shortages and improve rural living environments.


After presiding over the plenary meeting, President Kim Jong Un paid tribute at the Kumsusan Palace and held a photo session with meritorious workers, but did not deliver a new year’s address.


The North is expected to create an atmosphere to implement and achieve the tasks and goals raised at the plenary meeting by holding sectoral educational sessions and pledge meetings, while also preparing detailed execution plans per unit.


Recognizing that the South and the North’s will and actual cooperation at this point are crucial in advancing inter-Korean relations and peace on the Korean Peninsula, the Government will do its best to resume dialogue at an early date and pursue cooperation in various areas including those prioritized by the North through the plenary meeting.


3. Q&A


Q. What is the Unification Ministry’s stance regarding the recent border crossing? Was any information shared through communications lines at the South-North Joint Liaison Office? If not, what response measures will the Ministry pursue in the future?


A. The ROK military is conducting an investigation regarding the incident, and a message has been sent to the North through the military communications channel. The Unification Ministry will be able to review the need for further measures through consultations with related agencies after the investigation is finalized.


Q. With limited information on the North’s foreign policy direction revealed at the party plenary meeting, how will the Government pursue the end-of-war declaration?


A. As President Moon Jae-in noted in his new year’s address, continuing efforts to institutionalize sustainable peace is the Government’s unwavering position. The end-of-war declaration is a measure that will change the unstable armistice regime on the Korean Peninsula into a firm peace regime. It will serve as an important momentum in improving inter-Korean relations and settling peace on the peninsula. 


Based on such grounds, the Government will continue making efforts to advance the end-of-war declaration while cooperating with the international community including the United States.

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