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Press Briefings

Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Koo Byoungsam

Ministry of Unification



Date: Monday, August 21, 2023
Time: 10:30-10:32 A.M.


1. Minister’s Schedule

On August 23, Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho will attend a plenary session of the National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs & Unification Committee at 10 A.M.

On August 24, at 10 A.M., Minister Kim will attend a seminar on human rights in North Korea and deliver congratulatory remarks. The seminar is held by a National Assembly forum on foreign affairs and security, lawmaker Thae Yong-ho, and the Database Center for North Korean Human Rights(NKDB).

On August 25, at 10 A.M., Minister Kim will attend an event celebrating the first anniversary of the establishment of the North Korean Human Rights Association and deliver congratulatory remarks.


2. Q&A

Q) Is there any updated information that the Ministry is aware of regarding the opening of the border between North Korea and China?

A) Ever since North Korean athletes departed from North Korea to participate in the ITF World Championships, we have been closely monitoring the border movement with relevant agencies. At this point, we do not have further information to confirm.

Q) I am aware that the result of the Ministry’s reorganization will be released by the end of August. When does the Ministry plan to announce this plan and how far has it proceeded with its coordination with relevant agencies?

A) I believe there will be an opportunity for us to explain the reorganization at the time of advance notice of proposed rulemaking. It is difficult to specify when, however, we expect it to be sometime this week.

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