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Press Briefings

Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Koo Byoungsam

Ministry of Unification



Date: Monday, August 14, 2023
Time: 10:30-10:35 A.M.


1. Unification Minister to pay a courtesy visit to leaders of religious groups

Starting this week, Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho will pay a courtesy visit to leaders of religious groups and share opinions on the prospects of the Government’s policy on North Korea.

Minister Kim will visit Confucianism Director Choi Jong-soo of Sung Kyun Kwan on August 16, and Ven. Jinwoo, the President of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism on August 17.


2. Minister’s Schedule

On Wednesday August 16 at 9:40 A.M., Minister Kim will attend a seminar on the forced repatriation of North Korean escapees detained in China, hosted by lawmaker Choe Jaehyeong, and organized by the Database Center for North Korean Human Rights(NKDB) and deliver congratulatory remarks.


3. Q&A

Q) Regarding today’s report on Kim Jong Un’s visit to major munitions factories, there are some analyses that it is a sign of military cooperation between North Korea and Russia as a result of a meeting between Kim Jong Un and the Russian delegation, or a message aimed at South Korea. What is the Government’s take on this?

A) As the factories visited by Kim Jong Un mainly deal with conventional weapons, I will not make a separate assessment of North Korea’s intentions. However, the North must prioritize on taking care of the livelihood of its residents over preparing for war. The more North Korea raises tensions on the Korean Peninsula with its provocative actions, the more overpowering our countermeasures will be, based on the ROK-US alliance.

Q) Regarding the phrase, “South Korean puppets will face total destruction” which appeared behind Kim Jong Un on today’s report, has this expression appeared on any recent inspection of Kim Jong Un? And what is the Government’s assessment of this?

In addition, North Korea announced plans of another military parade, which seems unusual to hold three military parades in just a year. How does the Ministry perceive this?

A) The North Korean media reported on August 10 that the enlarged meeting of the Central Military Commission was held to discuss preparations for holding a military parade on September 9 marking its founding anniversary. It is highly unusual that North Korea has announced its plans for a military parade in advance, as well as that it is holding such parades three times a year.

We are deeply disappointed at North Korea’s threatening rhetoric of repeatedly displaying military parades while ignoring the livelihood of its residents. We advise North Korea to take care of its residents before investing its resources to military parades.

Regarding the use of the expression “puppet,” allow me to verify the facts so I can get back to you on this.

Q) Is there any trend from North Korea to dispatch its team to the International Taekwon-Do Federation World Championships to be held in Kazakhstan from August 19?

In addition, on the occasion of participating to this event, there may be an increase in movement across the border between North Korea and China. Could you provide a few words on how North Korea’s opening of its border is progressing?

A) There is no specific trend that the Ministry can confirm related to the participation to the ITF World Championship on August 19. As you may be aware, there have been some moves to relieve the border lockdown from North Korea through participation in international sports events, however, as to exactly when, and at what point this will happen, we will need to keep watch on related developments.

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