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Press Briefings

Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Koo Byoungsam



Date: Monday, May 15, 2023
Time: 10:30-10:32 A.M.


1. Minister’s Schedule

On May 17, Unification Minister Kwon Youngse will attend an event to celebrate the 42nd anniversary of the Central Association for National Unification of Korea and deliver congratulatory remarks in the morning, and attend a seminar held by the World Vision to deliver congratulatory remarks in the afternoon.

On May 19, Minister Kwon will attend a welcome ceremony to congratulate the incoming participants of the Ministry’s correspondents program and deliver words of encouragement. This year’s correspondents program is comprised of 50 people, mostly in their 20s and 30s, will take on the role of delivering news on the Unification Ministry through social networks and various media.


2. Q&A

Q) I would like to follow up on the Minister’s press interview today. In the interview, the Minister mentioned of taking legal actions against North Korea’s illegal and unauthorized use of the Gaeseong Industrial Complex, however, in another part of the same interview, the dismantlement of not only the GIC but also the South Korean assets at Mt.Geumgang are all subject to litigation. Could you specify whether the dismantlement of South Korean facilities in the Mt.Geumgang area is also subject to litigation?

A) Regarding the Minister’s interview, there were questions and answers about the GIC, however, I do not recall separate questions and answers on Mt.Geumggang.

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