애드 캐릭터
애드 캐릭터

통일부 국립통일교육원

작성하신 검색어로 검색합니다.(새창 열림)


2023 북한 이해(영문판)

2023 북한 이해(영문판)

등록일2024-04-18 16:48:13.745

발행처국립통일교육원 연구개발과


공유하기 ▶
국립통일교육원은 통일문제 및 북한, 한반도 주변정세에 대한 이해를 돕기 위해 『통일문제 이해』, 『북한 이해』를 발간해 오고 있습니다.
2023년에는 북한․통일문제에 대한 국제적 이해 제고를 위해  『통일문제 이해』, 『북한 이해』 2종을 모두 영문으로 번역하였습니다.  
2023  『북한 이해』 영문판의 목차는 다음과 같습니다. 

2023 Understanding North Korea

Ⅰ. How Should We View North Korea?
Section 1. How Should We Understand North Korea? 
Section 2. Characteristics of the North Korean Regime 
1. Political Characteristics 
2. Economic Characteristics 
3. Social Characteristics 
Section 3. Current State of the North Korean Regime 

Ⅱ. Politics
Section 1. Political System 
Section 2. Ruling Ideology 
1. Juche Ideology 
2. Songun Ideology 
3. Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism 
Section 3. Power Structure and Government 
1. Power Structure 
2. Workers’ Party of Korea 
3. Central Institutions 
Section 4. Formation and Consolidation of the Kim Jong Un Regime 
1. Formation of the Kim Jong Un Regime 
2. Kim Jong Un’s Power Consolidation 

Ⅲ. Military
Section 1. Characteristics and Role 
Section 2. Changes in Military Policy 
1. Kim Il Sung Era 
2. Kim Jong Il Era 
3. Kim Jong Un Era 
Section 3. Chain of Command and Military Capabilities 
1. Chain of Command 
2. Military Capabilities 
3. Services and Ranks 
4. Characteristics of Military Forces 

Ⅳ. Foreign Policy
Section 1.  Foreign Policy Characteristics of Foreign Policy  
1. Ideology and Policy 
2. Foreign Policy Decision-Making Structure 
Section 2. Changes in Foreign Policy 
1. Kim Il Sung Era 
2. Kim Jong Il Era 
3. Kim Jong Un Era 
Section 3. History of Foreign Relations 
1. Relations with the United States 
2. Relations with Japan 
3. Relations with China 
4. Relations with Russia 
5. Relations with the European Union  
6. Relations with Non-Aligned Countries 

Ⅴ. Economy
Section 1. Characteristics of the Economic System and Direction of Policies 
1. Characteristics of the Economic System 
2. Direction of Economic Policies 
Section 2. Status of Macroeconomy and Key Economic Sectors 
1. Current Macroeconomic Conditions 
2. Current Status of Economic Sectors 
Section 3. Changes in Economic Policy 
1. Socialist Market Economy and Domestic Policies 
2. Economic Opening Policy 

Ⅵ. Society
Section 1. Characteristics and Changes in North Korean Society 
1. Characteristics of North Korean Society 
2. Changes in North Korean Society 
Section 2. Everyday Life of North Koreans 
1. Life in Organizations 
2. Clothing, Food, and Housing 
3. Leisure and Holidays 
4. Healthcare and Welfare 
Section 3. Human Rights 
1. Serious violations of Civil and Political Rights 
2. Violations of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights 
3. International Efforts to Improve North Korean Human Rights 

Ⅶ. Culture and Arts
Section 1. Culture and Arts 
1. Culture and Arts Policies 
2. Reality of Culture and Arts 
Section 2. Media and Publications 
1. Newspapers and Magazines 
2. Broadcasting 

Ⅷ. Education
Section 1. Education Policy and Systems 
1. Education Policy 
2. Educational Systems 
Section 2. Curriculum and Contents 
1. Curriculum 
2. Contents 
공공누리의 제 4유형 안내
2023 북한 이해(영문판) 저작물은 "공공누리" 제4유형:출처 표시+상업적 이용 금지+변경 금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.