애드 캐릭터
애드 캐릭터

통일부 국립통일교육원

작성하신 검색어로 검색합니다.(새창 열림)


2012 북한이해(영문판)

2012 북한이해(영문판)


발행처국립통일교육원 연구개발과


공유하기 ▶

2012 북한이해 영문판은 2012 북한이해를 영문으로 번역한 것입니다.



1. How should we view North Korea?
    Section 1 Nature of the Northern Regime 
    Section 2 North Korea’s Dilemma


2. Governing Principles and Political System
    Section 1 Establishment of North Korea’s Political System 
    Section 2 Juche Ideology as Means of Governance
    Section 3 Power Structure and Form of Government
    Section 4 Ruling Structure and Hereditary Succession of Power


3. External Relations
    Section 1 Foreign Policy 
    Section 2 Foreign Relations


4. Military Strategy and Capacity
    Section 1 Characteristics and Functions

    Section 2 Structure and Institutions

    Section 3 Military Strategy and Capacity

    Section 4 Military Relations and Provocations against the South


5. Economy: Present and Outlook

    Section 1 Economic System and Basic Economic Policy

    Section 2 Macroeconomic Status of North Korean Economy
    Section 3 Economic Policy : Changes and Outlook

6. Education, Literature and Art
    Section 1 Education
    Section 2 Literature and Art


7. Social Structure and Life
     Section 1 Human Rights in North Korea
     Section 2 Class Structure
     Section 3 Value Sys tem and Everyday Life
     Section 4 Deviations and Social Control 307

공공누리의 제 4유형 안내
2012 북한이해(영문판) 저작물은 "공공누리" 제4유형:출처 표시+상업적 이용 금지+변경 금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.