National Institute for Unification Education

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주요소식 Board
No Subject File Date Hits
201 Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho hosts a luncheon for former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 2024-04-15 4
200 Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho meets with veterans in the field of diplomacy and security 2024-04-08 6
199 The Unification Ministry holds a policy roundtable with ambassadors of UN Sending States 2024-04-05 7
198 Unification Ministry holds a talk concert on stories about North Korea 2024-04-03 72
197 The Ministry of Unification meets with families and related organizations of abductees, detainees, and POWs 2024-03-27 70
196 Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho meets with delegation of U.S. Congressional Study Group on Korea 2024-03-26 23
195 The Ministry of Unification establishes the second-term Unification Future Planning Committee and holds its inaugural meeting 2024-03-15 19
194 The Ministry of Unification appoints members for the second-term North Korean Human Rights Promotion Committee and holds its first meeting 2024-03-12 176
193 The Unification Ministry carries out volunteer work with North Korean defectors on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the Unification Ministry’s founding 2024-03-04 172
192 Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho delivers a lecture for the Korea Freedom Federation 2024-02-28 294
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