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Press Briefings

Regular Briefing by Acting Spokesperson Cha Duck Chul



Date: Monday, April 11, 2022
Time: 10:30-10:35 A.M.


1. Weekly schedule


The Ministry of Unification and the Korean NGO Council for Cooperation with North Korea (KNCCNK) will be co-hosting a talk session with youth activists involved in inter-Korean humanitarian cooperation tomorrow at 3 P.M. Unification Minister Lee In-young will have the opportunity to communicate with activists in their 20s and 30s associated with the KNCCNK in a free and comfortable atmosphere.


2. Q&A


Q. Marking the 10th anniversary of North Korean President Kim Jong Un’s election to top party and state leader, the North has opened a new exhibition hall at the Korean Revolution Museum displaying Kim’s achievements and is referring to Kim as the ‘great leader.’ How does the Ministry interpret such developments?


A. North Korean state media including the Rodong Sinmun and KCNA reported today that a national meeting took place on April 10 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of President Kim Jong Un’s election as the top party and state leader.


While President Kim was not present, key figures of the party, government and military including Choe Ryong Hae, Jo Yong Won and Kim Tok Hun attended the meeting.


In addition to the meeting, various commemorative events were reportedly held such as the opening of a new exhibition hall dedicated to President Kim at the Korean Revolution Museum, the issuing of celebratory stamps, and the convening of commemorative meetings in provinces, cities and counties of the North.


Through such events, the North appears to be seeking to boast the solidarity of Kim Jong Un’s regime and strengthen internal unity.


With major North Korean political events expected in April, the Government will continue to keep a close eye on developments in the North.


Q. How are calls through the South-North Joint Liaison Office going? Has the North responded to the South’s request concerning Haegeumgang Hotel? Does the Ministry have plans to deliver additional requests if the North remains irresponsive?


A. Since the restoration of inter-Korean communications channels last October, the South and the North are making daily routine calls twice a day, at 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. Today’s 9 A.M. call went through as usual.


The ROK Government has been closely monitoring the North’s response upon verbally communicating its position regarding the Haegeumgang Hotel in early April, but the North has yet to respond.


The Government will review and pursue follow-up measures in close consultation with tour operators. However, it is difficult to detail specific plans at this stage.


We once again urge the North to provide a thorough explanation about the dismantlement of the hotel and respond to the request for consultations to resolve issues on Mt. Geumgang at the earliest possible date.

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