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Publication of the English Version of 『Report on North Korea's Economy and Society as Perceived by 6,351 Defectors』

General Education Division



Publication of the English Version of 『Report on North Korea's Economy and Society as Perceived by 6,351 Defectors』

The Reality of North Korea as Reported by 6,351 Defectors to be Shared with the International Community
- Publication of the English version of 『Report on North Korea's Economy and Society as Perceived by 6,351 Defectors』

In order to accurately inform the international community about the internal realities of North Korea, which are changing in economic, social, and other areas, the Ministry of Unification published an English version of the 『Report on North Korea's Economy and Society as Perceived by 6,351 Defectors』 on August 30th. The report was originally released in Korean in February.

The English report, titled 『Report on North Korea’s Economy and Society as Perceived by 6,351 Defectors』 has been produced to faithfully convey the internal realities of North Korea, as identified through the testimonies of 6,351 defectors, including the collapse of the planned economy, the expansion of marketization, the influx of external information, and changes in the residents' awareness.

Given the absolute lack of objective information needed to accurately understand North Korea due to its self-isolation, this English report aims to help the international community understand the realities of the North Korean regime and the conditions faced by its people, and to encourage efforts and solidarity to improve the situation.

The English report will be distributed to foreign embassies in Korea, relevant international organizations, non-governmental organizations, overseas research institutions, and other experts. It will also be made available to the public on the Ministry of Unification's website ( in eBook and PDF formats.

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