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Signboard Hanging Ceremony of National Institute for Unification Education



Signboard Hanging Ceremony of National Institute for Unification Education

The official signboard-hanging ceremony of National Institute for Unification Education took place on March 30, 2021.

Unification Minister In-Young Lee, head of Gangbuk-gu , director of Moon Ik-whan House of Reunification, Unification Education Standing Committee(chairman: Se-kyung Yoo, professor of Ewha Womans University) and other figures have attended the ceremony.

Minister In-Young Lee underscored to take this as momentum to promote unification education, and continuously strive to enhance sympathy required for peaceful unification, to heal wounds of conflict within our society, and to expand spirit of reconciliation and integration.

Jun-kee Baek, President of National Institute for Unification Education explained the purpose of changing the name of the insitution. "Stipulating 'National' in institution name is to enhance professional competence and to improve reliability of unification education, as well as to take one step closer to ordinary lives of people."

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▲ Commemorative Photograph of the Board Hanging Ceremony

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