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Open Invitation to Visiting International Professorship

Education Planning Department



Open Invitation to Visiting International Professorship

The Institute for Unification Education (IUE) of the Ministry of Unification in the Republic of Korea (ROK) is pleased to invite prominent overseas professors, scholars and/or experts who can deliver lectures or lead seminars on the issues related to the Korean peninsula. The Visiting International Professorship aims to enrich our unification education with diverse international views, and to promote network among renowned scholars and experts at home and abroad who act as academic liaison in the area of the Korean peninsula issues. If you are interested in the Visiting International Professorship of the IUE, please read more below.


  • Eligibility: An applicant must be an expert in areas of politics, diplomacy, security, and unification in relation to the issues of the Korean peninsula, and satisfy at least one of the following requirements.
    • The candidate must have a minimum of ten years of experience after receipt of the doctoral degree (or its equivalent) in the relevant field.
    • The candidate must have a minimum of fifteen years of experience in the relevant field.
    • The candidate must hold a position of an Assistant Professor or above of universities that provide undergraduate course requiring at least 4 years of study.
  • Length of Invitation: One week (June-July, October-November)
  • Activities: Prospective visiting professors are expected to lead discussion and/or seminars with Korean professors, experts or scholars of the relevant fields or deliver lectures to general public (mostly undergraduate /graduate students or public servants)
    • The subject and contents of each session should be adjusted considering the knowledge level of the audience.
    • Supplementary materials for lectures or seminars are kindly asked to be prepared in advance (either word documents or PowerPoint slides are acceptable).
  • Subject
    Subjects include but are not limited to the Korean unification issues, e.g., the international perspective on the Korean unification; the international relations with the Korean unification; German unification and the lessons learned for the Korean peninsula; the EU integration and its implications on the Korean peninsula, etc.
  • Grants
    • Base honorarium: KRW 400,000/session (90 min.)
      *Although honorarium is mostly offered the amount described above, it may change depending on the prospective visiting professors’ qualifications as it is subject to the Internal Honorarium Payment Criteria of the IUE
    • Accommodation, meals, incidental domestic travel expenses for lectures or seminars
    • Airfare: round trip(business class)
  • Application Documents
    • Application Form and Personal Statement (see the attached)
    • One copy of CV
    • Summary of lecture or discussion of the chosen subject, approximately 1000 words in length.
  • Application Deadline: March 10th(Wed), 2021
  • Submission
    Please submit the required application documents to
  • Contact
    If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.
    • Phone: +82-2-901-7029
    • Email:
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